Women’s Retreat for Healing After Abortion
You are not alone!
The Archdiocese of San Francisco sponsors Project Rachel which helps women and
men heal the pain of abortion and to find the path to peace and reconciliation.
Women’s Retreat for Healing After Abortion
DATE: June 14-16, 2024
Check in begins at 2:00 with the retreat starting at 4:00. It ends Sunday after lunch, around 1:00.
LOCATION: 20 miles from San Francisco; exact location confidential
Bilingual Spanish and English, Talks in English. Led by Father Vito Perrone, COSJ,
and Father James Liebner, SVD
Retreat will include Mass, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Counseling.
TO SIGN UP or for Details: sfarch.org/Rachel OR call 415-614-5567 OR
email projectrachel@sfarch.org. Website: sfarch.org/Rachel